Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Amy Kuney

I've been listening to many people singing covers on youtube, and what is very unique about people singing covers is the fact despite its lack of originality, I think the voice is very different, and sometimes it might even sound better. Aside from people singing covers, I'm more into people who have established their own uniqueness by singing their original songs, and they share it to the world.

I stumbled upon a musician named Amy Kuney, her voice is vibrantly powerful. When I saw her on youtube, she started off singing with some of her friends and one of her songs (which I believe was a hit to my ears) was "Simple Things" I enjoyed the style that incorporate a calming piano melody and then her voice brings in the gradual sound to the chorus. Right now I wanted to share my favorite song by Amy Kuney called "Gasoline Rainbow"  I interpreted this song as a metaphor, a metaphor that hope is undying and flawless, even in a relationship, they say it will never last forever, but there's always a way to prove every theory wrong. Even if bad things occur, there will always be hope trailing from rain, (as interpreted the rainbow).

Anyways, please do enjoy this song and I hope you all will have a great day ^_^

This song is called Gasoline Rainbow by Amy Kuney

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